Nondual Embodiment
∞ becomes more subtle with∞
the Core Breath
"From within this core, we can most easily let go of our habitual, controlling grip on our understanding, emotions, sensations, and perceptions. We can allow life to be as it is in each moment, and we can allow life to flow and to change. We feel that we are living in the center of all our experience, responsive and yet disentangled from the changing content and movement of the world around us. We can respond to that world, but we are not caught up in our habitual reactive patterns of response to other people and events"
- Judith Blackstone
Helps you contact and live within the whole core of the body so you can open more fully in your whole body and being to the pervasive space of the Ground of Being.
Helps you let go of all of the content of your experience, internal and external, on both your inhale and your exhale. Everything will still be there, but you are letting go of your grasp on it.
Core Breath IS feeling breath’s first movement arising from the Core in that Point
Core Breath IS initiation of the inhale and the exhale within the Core Point
Core Breath IS a refinement of breath that disentangles tension that interrupts life’s flow
Core Breath IS an experience that absorbs us deeper into oneness and wholeness
Core Breath is NOT Breathing into the Point
Core Breath is NOT Bringing breath to the Point
Core Breath is NOT Breathing along the subtle core
"Fundamental Consciousness [the ground of being] is a disentangled, nongrasping dimension of our being. All of our experience moves through it without “sticking” anywhere. The subtle core of the body, and the points along it, are entranceways into this disentangled dimension. Therefore we can most easily let go of ourselves from this core."
- Judith Blackstone
Why we want to Practice the Core Breath
꩜ To integrate the breath with our subtle energy
꩜ To open more deeply into the oneness of the ground of being
To refine our energy to its most subtle expression within the core and within the whole body
꩜ To increases our sense of safety. From the core we experience our environment from a deeper perspective, disentangled from the content of our experience.
꩜ To help disentangle our grasping on the flow of life
꩜ To let go of a person or situation that has become too entangled in your mind and heart. RE-re-write for BINDING
꩜ To experience intimate connection with other people without feeling overpowered or annihilated by them.
What Does Core Breath feel like?
꩜ It feels like the whole internal space of our body breathes at once. This produces a subtle vibration throughout our whole body, a symphony that can arise as joy or bliss.
꩜ It feels like we deepen our visual perspective and refine all of our subtle senses
꩜ It feels like we are gathered and secure within the innermost core of our being
꩜ It feels like we are present all the way through our body
꩜ It feels like we can ;ove without grasping, without trying to pull others closer or push them away
꩜ It feels like our breath becomes unified with our energy dimension
"To initiate the breath within the point doesn’t mean that you are bringing the breath to the core point or breathing into the point but rather that the breath starts within the point. The first place you feel the breath move, on both your inhale and your exhale, is within the core point. Although the breath will still come in through your nose, and it will still utilize your lungs, let yourself experience the movement of your breath within the point before you feel it move in your nose or your lungs."
- Judith Blackstone
Core Breath
Draws you deeper into the Ground of Being
Roots you in the Core of your being
Locates you in the Center of all your Experience
Helps you refine & Deepen your experience of Oneness
Disentangles you from your Grasp on the flow of Life
Supports you to live Authentically
Enters you into your Internal Wholeness
Refine the relationship between your breath and the subtlest dimensions of your energy system.
Use the circuitry points to enter you more throughlly into the ground of being everywhere in your body.
Don't exert too much effort.
Don't make the breath too big.
"The breath that is initiated within the core points is very fine (thin), subtle breath, like a thread of breath... Even though the breath is very subtle and begins within the tiny core points, it can still be a long breath. This subtle core breath can fill your whole body...
-Judith Blackstone
All Practices from The Realization Process®
Experience Nondual Embodiment
©2024 by Nondual Embodiment Candace Cave.