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Nondual Embodiment
∞ becomes more subtle with∞
Letting Go

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"When we let go of our grip on ourselves, we come more fully into existence. This is not some impersonal theoretical existence but the innermost depth of our own actual, personal being."
- Judith Blackstone

Let go of our internal grasp on

 Any defensive or manipulative grip on ourselves

 Holding patterns & beliefs that obscure our true nature

 Our constructed identity

Fixed ideas of ourself and the world

 Fixed ways of seeing and hearing

 Patterns of fragmentation that obscure our basic nature

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What Letting Go Is:

Physical rigidity

Energy blockages

Chronic patterns of hypervigilance

Habits of anxiety

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Let go of non-serving organization of mind & body including

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"Fundamental consciousness is naturally still, without any effort on our part to create stillness. When we uncover it, we find a stillness that seems to have always been there…As this undivided stillness, we are disentangled from the movement of life. Disentanglement is not detachment in the sense of disconnection or disassociation. It is nongrasping, nonobstruction. Our thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and perceptions move freely through the disentangled stillness."
- Judith Blackstone

Letting Go

Draws you from Above into the Ground of Being

Roots you from Below in Gravity

Locates you in the Center of all Pervasive Space

Helps you refine & Deepen Relationship

Disentangles you from the Content of Experience

Supports you to be Transparent & Present simultaneously

Enters you into your Internal Wholeness

To experience core breath,

First Inhabit your Body & Uncover Stillness: 

Ground of Being Practice Page

Continue Practices Here.

Disentangling from the Subtle Core:
As we unravel the knot of our being from the subtle core of the body, we can actualy feel that we are disentangling from all the content of our experience. We are becoming free. There is a sense that who we really are is literally letting go of whatever we are not.
Core Absorption
One of themost effective ways of working with the subtle core of the body is to absorb one’s attention into it. Feel that you are living and breathing within the whole core. This absorption helps fill in the framentations in our contact with the core and stabilizes our realization of FC.
You can also practice letting go of yourself from (or as) the subtle core. As the subtle core of the body, we experience life without gripping or grasping at it. We allow life to be exactly as it is, to flow.

All Practices from The Realization Process®

Continue your journey towardsNondual Embodimentwith the Relational Field:

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©2024 by Nondual Embodiment Candace Cave.

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